Thursday, March 24, 2005

In a place called "Systemville"

Systemville, is a small, curious and suspicious town in South Africa.

Nwanko, is a Nigeria Citizen, has been working in a harbour since 1997.

One fine little day, his wife, Niigata, a Japanese Citizen, came in and look for her husband.

Niigata: Where is Nwanko?
Worker: Died.
Niigata: Died when?
Worker: Since yesterday morning.


Nwanko: Hello, my darling..
Niigata: Huh?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

At ABC Restaurant

Jon, 27, was a manager in a company. One day, his friend, Kenny, who want to find him. And when Kenny reached his company, he suddenly fainted.

To be continued...

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Coffee Shop

One fine afternoon, there has a group of people at the hawker centre.

One of them, Jun Jie said: Hi! (to a girl around 16)
The girl said: I'm Ruxin.
Jun Jie: Oh, errr...
Ruxin: ??
Jn Jie: Errr...
Ruxin: Siew lsr..
Jun Jie: errr... Nothing lah..

Friday, March 18, 2005

Candy Shop

Huh, Candy Shop?

Ooi, is it sang by 50 cent?

What the heck you're doing?

Oh man, what's wrong with you!! What's your company name?! And your name please? I gonna sue you, man!! SO UNREASONABLE GUY!!

"Sorry sir", the young man replied.

"No, no, no. You can't fool ME.", said he bald man.

"My name is....Candy Shop.", said in a shy manner.


Soon after, the man suddenly faint to the ground.


Monday, March 07, 2005

Everyday is an ordinary day

Everyday you spent your time at schools (mostly at home), is an extraordiary day with a sad faces. Well for me, it's better for an understanding with others especially yourself.

Like everyone does, it seems like only yesterday. I have a small paragraph to say:

"Yesterday is yesterday, today is today, tomorrow is tomorrow"

I'm not trying to be so lame but sometimes it's true. Try it.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Looking for similar websites?

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