Saturday, December 10, 2005

Halo again...

Recently, I received a sms from a friend. It says:

"ANGELS EXIST but sumtimes, since they dun't hav wings, we'll call them FRIENDS. Sumthing gud will happen 2 u. This is not a joke. Cos' you hav been waiting 4. Dun break tis prayer."

Every1 should try be4 it really calls u. Yeah, dun break it, tell at least five ppl. Goodby.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Hi! Sorry 4 no comments to write on..

I'm so sorry 'bout last month cos' I didn't have time. Hehe. Well, It's a holidae & gonna receive my results veri, veri soon.

So does any1 aso like tat?? Nvrmind, I don't need ur comments now, u should noe, huh..