Saturday, September 30, 2006

Anyone likes about 3 Doors Down?

Does anyone like 3 doors down? If yes, do write in the space provided in the tagboard.. And if your friends is a 3 doors down fans, ask him/her to visit here and do chat bout 3 doors down.. Do visit often as i may post more bout this.. Thanks a lot.

So just see ya here as we TAG ALONG!!! Only here on So watch this space for more details. Do come again. See ya soon.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Hady Mirza has bagged himself with a 3-year deal with Universal Music, with an option of 3more year. This came immediately after the results show.. That's where hady mirza claimed his prize..

His 1st single, You Give Me Wings, started on air today.. Be prepared for his album, due to release late next month or early November.. Do keep out for the news.

Jonathan Leong has yet to get a record deal.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Test Test Test....

Why always test.. tell me why.. Ha.. Joking of the day.. Since last week. But for now, it's holiday.. Hoooraay!! Only 3 weeks break. Now i can watch singapore idol trufully. Cuz' I've only been watching the results show only.

Who to vote? Is it Hady Mirza? Or is it Jonathan Leong? Here's the verdict.

Listen to me, vote for HADY MIRZA.. He's great.. Yeah.. Last week he sang Eagles' Desperado, i like the most. It seems like i gonna support him tomorrow. Hooray...... So, watch Singapore Idol on 5 tomorrow, live, at 8 pm. And the results show on Monday, at 8pm live.

Tune in to 987fm from 8.30am onwards, I think both of them will be featured on Muttons In The Morning on tuesday. So tune in this few days. See ya soon.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Singapore idol results

Jasmine Tye has been voted out of the s'pore idol camp. Which means that Hady Mirza and Jonathan Leong will compete in the finals at Singapore Indoor Stadium at 25 September 2006.

Who will win? And who will be the next taufik batisah? You will find out soon on 5. Next Wednesday and Thursday, channel 5 will show the specials of the Singapore Idol. Stay tune.


Monday, September 11, 2006

Delayed results for singapore idol

Paul Twohill is out of the singapore idol camp. He was very lucky to get into this stage of the shows.

That day, he cried. But most likely he'll return next season. Who knows. But possible. So keep voting your idols. Cuz' it's downto the final 3. Stay tune on idols.

See ya soon.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Singapore idol

Joakim Gomez has been voted out of Singapore Idol last night.. He was with Paul Twohil before the host announced that he's out of the competitions.

Top 4 finalists will be at Camposs Point at 3pm, KIDS Central Live at 5pm and performing at HOME TEAM ACEDAMY at 7pm.

See you there.