Friday, December 29, 2006

Stop calling everything blogs! Learn the difference people

ENOUGH WITH CALLING every site on the (#*&$ing net a blog, people! I know the mass media is filled with dumb sheep that need to spread fear about anacondas in toilets to get ratings, but this has gone too far. What am I talking about? It seems every site that puts up content that is not owned by a major media outlet that has a TV channel is now blogging.
The INQ is a blog, Boing Boing is a blog, and just about every site is a blog. Does it matter what the content is, or how many people work for it? Heck no, it is a blog because talking about blogs make the media worms seem hip, cool, and most importantly not as stupid as they really are. Hint, they are that dumb.

Let's start with a definition, a blog is short for a web log, that is someone writing about their personal experiences, sometimes on a specific topic, sometimes not. Some are formatted in the classic blog way with text down the middle, others not. It all has one thing in common, it is a personal log of a single person's experiences.

If there are more than one person writing for the 'blog', especially if they get paid, it is a site. The INQ has a staff of many, as does Boing Boing, CNet and Slashdot. Just because you read it on a browser (that little blue 'e' that brings spyware in for the local news crews reading this) and it does not have an associated cable channel does not make it a blog. Really. Not a blog.

I have no problem with what most of these mostly worthless wastes of oxygen do in their spare time, be it paid for, shilling, or just writing stuff up. What I do have a problem with is that they label them blogs when they are clearly commercial exercises.

Stop it now! Do the least you can and learn definition of a single word, and let it stick in the vacuous product placement addled brains of yours, and do it for the good of humanity. You don't see me running around calling you corporate &!%%$s do you? Oh wait, I do, but you deserve it.

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Thursday, December 28, 2006

Scramble to repair Asia's quake-damaged telecom lines

HONG KONG - Millions of people across Asia suffered a second straight day without full Internet service Thursday as telecoms operators raced to counter predictions of weeks without Web access.

At least eight boats headed to the waters between Hong Kong and Taiwan so that repairmen could tackle the complicated task of fixing underwater fibre-optic cables damaged in a huge earthquake off Taiwan on Tuesday.

Although stock markets across the region functioned normally, access to overseas websites remained spotty, as did the ability to dial telephone numbers in the United States and across Southeast Asia.

"Our system is gradually recovering," leading Japanese long-distance provider NTT Communications, said in a statement, explaining that it had re-routed much of its data transmission away from the troubled Taiwan route.

More details can be found here.

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Sunday, December 24, 2006


I've updated some of the sections. Do go round and check on it. And this week's Clip of the Week is all about Christmas. U'll find the Christmas videos on the video section NOW! Remember to bookmark this website.

So see ya soon.

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Friday, December 22, 2006

The New Version of Blogger

The new version of Blogger in beta is dead!
Long live the new version of Blogger!
(P.S. The old version of Blogger is not dead, but it would like to retire for a little while... maybe go to Hawaii or play World of Warcraft all day? It begs you to let it play World of Warcraft all day.)

I am overjoyed to announce that today we have o’ficially graduated the new version of Blogger from “in beta” to “.” Why is this significant? Allow me to explain via analogy:

Battlestar Galactica with Lorne Greene:Battlestar Galactica with Edward James Olmos:: Old Blogger : New Blogger

The new version of Blogger is metaphorically bursting with features, from the big guns like drag-and-drop template editing and post labels (which are perfect, by the way, for indexing the 131 historical figures you may have written about), to little polishes like a better-designed Dashboard or that you no longer need to solve a word verification CAPTCHA to post a comment on your own blog.

We’re excited about the new version of Blogger, both for what it can do now (which also includes access control for blogs and better input fields for post dates) and what we’ll add to it in the future, now that we have a new, stable, powerful infrastructure to work with. We’re done with “beta,” but we’re far from done with the new Blogger.

Continue on here

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The new sections of this website. It's the 'Help' sections. Which available from today.

It contains lots of helps given like how to post pictures on websites, forums or even how to direct the websites to another.

I'll try to put the helps up regularly and hope to have ur feedbacks on the 'Help' sections.

Click here to contact me via e-mail and i'll try to amend the 'help' section.


Yours faithfully,


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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Blogger changed to a new looked

Blogger has changed to a new look since Dec 19.
By the way, the blogger homepage has changed a little bit. Note: For those who haven switch to the new blogger, please kindly switch it over now. Thanks.

Yours faithfully,

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Sunday, December 17, 2006

New of this website

Hey there, time flies very fast.

And i just putted a new column at the top of the page (i guess u've seen it). There will be clip of the week on each and every week here on my website. So do come in more often for more.

Bryanseb signing off.

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Monday, December 11, 2006

Christmas Countdown

Hey, have u ever wonder that the Christmas is getting nearer and nearer? Well, we will countdown for ya at my official website. So let's countdown now for Christmas.

13 Days to go.

Prepared for ur Christmas Present already? Bryanseb signing off.


Thursday, December 07, 2006

Jeremy Ratnam's Podcast

The Jeremy Ratnam's podcast will be available on my official website at from today onwards. I'll put up last couple of weeks podcast and the latest ones.

Send in ur dedications via email.

Send ur dedeications to Jeremy Ratnam at

Bryanseb signing off.


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Battlefield 2142 trailer

This is the game u wouldn't want to miss. Below which is some of the videos that i've found on web. Take a look at it.

Video 1:

(has been moved to video section.

So what are you waiting for? Buy the Battlefield 2142 now.


Anime Trailer

Chicken Little

(moved to video section)

More will be uploaded on this website.

Westlife and Brian Mcfadden

Go to video section to search for this video. Thanks.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A new forum on...... Click on the link and visit the website. And u'll find a forum at the top of the newer post. Do visit that website.


Newer look

Today, I've changed the way it looks and make it more refreshing. Do write in ur comments in the comments and see if u like the new website. Thanks a millions.

Yours faithfully,

Everyone is treating me like a bu**s**t

Everyone is treating me like a sh*t. Is like a big flower plug into a cow dung. Seems like only I myself feels like that.

It feels like my friends kinda minding their business only. They doesn't really cares about you or sms u sometimes.

So damn the thing.

Haze you.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Have u wonder to answer this question?

Imagine R1 is 330ohm and R2 is 5.6k ohm.

Try it urself now and put the answers in the comments. Pls be remembered that this is not a prize question. This is only a knowledge. see if u gtta know the answer. Thanks a lot. So see ya soon on Bryan's Website.

long time no see

Sssssssssssooooooooooooooooooo long that i'm now have less time on blogs. Sorry for any inconvenience.

But anyway, come here more often as i'm trying to get new features to this blog. So stay tune more details.

And................... I'm now holiday!!!!!!
