Friday, December 29, 2006

Stop calling everything blogs! Learn the difference people

ENOUGH WITH CALLING every site on the (#*&$ing net a blog, people! I know the mass media is filled with dumb sheep that need to spread fear about anacondas in toilets to get ratings, but this has gone too far. What am I talking about? It seems every site that puts up content that is not owned by a major media outlet that has a TV channel is now blogging.
The INQ is a blog, Boing Boing is a blog, and just about every site is a blog. Does it matter what the content is, or how many people work for it? Heck no, it is a blog because talking about blogs make the media worms seem hip, cool, and most importantly not as stupid as they really are. Hint, they are that dumb.

Let's start with a definition, a blog is short for a web log, that is someone writing about their personal experiences, sometimes on a specific topic, sometimes not. Some are formatted in the classic blog way with text down the middle, others not. It all has one thing in common, it is a personal log of a single person's experiences.

If there are more than one person writing for the 'blog', especially if they get paid, it is a site. The INQ has a staff of many, as does Boing Boing, CNet and Slashdot. Just because you read it on a browser (that little blue 'e' that brings spyware in for the local news crews reading this) and it does not have an associated cable channel does not make it a blog. Really. Not a blog.

I have no problem with what most of these mostly worthless wastes of oxygen do in their spare time, be it paid for, shilling, or just writing stuff up. What I do have a problem with is that they label them blogs when they are clearly commercial exercises.

Stop it now! Do the least you can and learn definition of a single word, and let it stick in the vacuous product placement addled brains of yours, and do it for the good of humanity. You don't see me running around calling you corporate &!%%$s do you? Oh wait, I do, but you deserve it.

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